Friday, March 03, 2006

Day 1/2

I realized that I had forgotten to take about our first night in the house. We spent the whole day moving in. The lady that owned the house before us was supposed to have taken care of the back door which was cracked from what I can only think of from someone kicking it in. Or if I feel imaginative from the police SWAT team that broke in and arrested the ladies ex-husband that used to live here. Yea thats a different story in itself how it took 2 extra weeks to close on the house b/c they couldn't get the title straight due to the ladies ex who is in jail in West VA. Anyways, So we have a broken rear door and a furnace that isn't working. First the door. So trip #1 to Lowes to pick up the stuff to fix the door. I find this nice brass c-shaped plate to basically put the door into a headlock and hold it all together. Hmmm, Mr T would be proud. "Don't give me no backtalk sucka." Say that in your best Mr T impersonation and it would probably be better than mine. Sooo then I put on the dead bolt with little fanfare. Now it was time for the furnace b/c it was going to get a little cold that night. There is a little red button on the boiler that starts it up so I press that a couple times. No luck. I call up my dad and we decide it is prob out of fuel. Well I don't have any containers to put fuel in so I go back to Lowes. Second time today. I get some cans and then get some fuel from the gas station. I guess diesel is the same as fuel oil. Ah, who knows. I put it in the tank in the back yard, adding to the HAZ-WOPER site that I have going on back there. I go back in and press the magic red button. Nothing happens. I press again and a again to no avail. Call up dad again. Well he's like you need to prime it probably. Try to loosen the fuel filter and put some fuel in that. Well I think the filter is welded on to the line with rust so no amount of cursing makes it come off. I then call up the handy- dandy Heating and AC repairman at CO 12 on C-shift. He tells me there is a primer nipple on the front and to loosen that up and bleed the air out of the line. Well there it was. It was just like bleeding brakes on you car. I had a cup catch the fuel as it came out and so I took that and dumped it back in the tank. Now we have heat. The fuel truck came by a couple days later and put a bunch in so I think we will be good for a little while now.


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