New Cabinets
Well it has been a long while since I have written anything here. I have just been busy. For a couple months there I was working 23 days out of the month for one of my jobs. I then was just too busy working on the house to have time to talk about working on the house. But, the time has finally come and we now have new cabinets. All of the junk that had to go on just prior to getting the new cabinets included:
And the kitchen looked like this:
Now the changes:

-rewiring the second floor
-hanging sheetrock
-mudding sheetrock
-electrical stuff for the kitchen
-cleaning, repointing, and putting gloss on the chimney
-tearout and replacing the floor boards
-framing out a whole new wall
-primer and painting
-tearout of the old cabinets
-tearout of the old plumbing
-hanging the tin ceiling
The list goes on and on.
I finally was able to call up the cabinet people at Old River Cabinets so they could come out and do a final measurement. A couple weeks later the cabinets were installed.
So as you may recall the dining room looked like this:

The countertops are being installed right now and I should have pics up soon of those. But for now it is time to get back to working on the house. I promise to update this blog again soon.