Where's Waldrew?
There he is!
So I will start this blog the same as the past few by saying sorry that I haven't written much lately.
Now on to what has been going on in no particular order. We have been working on the yard a fair amount. We cut the grass as normal and trimmed the bushes. We raked and pulled weeds and such. Normal yard type stuff.
I bought a extendable walkboard the other day. So I am now able to reach all the spots that I wouldn't have been able to reach. So I stripped the remainder of the wallpaper/paint/wallpaper/paint etc. and I started to mud up the walls on the higher parts. It was pretty hot today so it dried pretty quickly. So I was able to sand and reapply another layer of mud. That is the ONLY good thing about the heat.
I think I am going to deem the house to be named "Little Brick Oven" or as the Norwegians say "Liten Murstein Komfyr." (Why I added that last part I don't know.) It has been pretty darn hot in here lately. Luckily it is cool at night. We put a fan in the window to suck in the night air and it gets cold enough that we need a comforter some nights. Otherwise we either suffer through the heat or go out and wander around Carytown in some of the stores and use their air conditioning. It's not super bad for me and Grace b/c most of the days we are at work so we have air there. So we will get over it.
Well I just read the last blog entry and I realized that I had already talked about the heat. Oops! My bad. I guess I will stop whining about it now.
I had finished the spigot going out the rear of the house the other day. I think I told you that one already too. Well I guess the side spigot got jealous that the rear one was getting all the attention so it decided to not want to close the other day. It didn't want to close all the way for either Grace or me. So now I need to replace that one too. The bad part is that I can't turn off the water. The pipe leading to it does have a cutoff way under the crawl space but it is rusted open. So I am going to have to figure out what I need to do to get the water cut off long enough to put a new valve and spigot in. I may just turn all of the water off to the house and do it that way one day. I need to also get some plastic to put down so I am not rolling around with the dead bodies that are buried under the house. Oops did I say that out loud. Ummmm there are no dead bodies there at all. Ummm yea I'm sure. The fresh piles? Ummmm moles. Really big moles.
Let's see what else has been going on?
We got a desk from Mike today. We are using it for Grace. It is nice and big and such and she likes it a lot.
We went to Emerald Isle the other weekend. That was nice to get out of the house and in the ocean for a bit.
Grace has a blog now. It tells about the trip and all. I am too lazy to repeat the stuff that her blog says here so you go there and look for yourself.
That may be about all that is going on right at the moment. I can't think of anything else. I could repeat some more old stuff if you want me too from previous posts and make it look like more. Nah. Nevermind. Bye.
Well you know Grace, We are going to the beach soon, and Cotton Gin is Right on the way!!! I am sure they have something that would work.
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