Thursday, May 11, 2006

Do you ever feel like you do the same thing every day?

Sometimes I do. Then I think to myself, "Self, you have thought of this before. Ergo you have done this same thing before." So what did I do yesterday you ask? Take a look at the past blogs and you may see a trend.
B-Put mud up
C-Went on a LifeNet call
D-Worked at the fire station

The answer for yesterday was...............
Therefore the answer for today is...........
B- put more mud up

OH I forgot I did do something fun and exciting and different yesterday.
I went on the roof and crawled around in the attic for a while. Why would I do this you may ask. Well the roof is leaking in the bedroom. Isn't that exciting? (insert hint of sarcasm here) So I went on the roof to look for holes. You may ask (if you are weird like me and have conversations in your head sometimes) but Andrew you only have a short ladder how did you get to the roof?
Well my fine friend, I have a super secret spy hatch in the attic that goes to the roof. Actually if I were inclined to I could probably break into every single house on my side of the block just by going through everyone's hatch that is on their roof. None of them are locked. At least I am guessing. And I could easily jump from roof to roof. That reminds me I was going to get a lock for that sometime.
I also cut the grass yesterday. The grass is coming along well. I have been aggressively been trying to kill all the weeds and moss with chemicals and raking. I rake the back yard about once or twice a week and it leaves the strong grass but gets rid of the moss and weeds that aren't as strong as grass.
I think I will go and get some pics that I have been promising. BRB

Here's the back yard from the upstairs. You can see the weeds dying and the leftover regular grass.

Here is the border that we made a week or so ago.

Here is a pic of the garage sans vines.

Here's the hallway going down the stairs. You can see some of the still damp mud in it.

that's all I feel like loading up right now. Oh wait here's a good pic of everybody's favorite singer.

Kit save me from this photo shoot now. Is it just me or is the Pepsi bottle throwing up in the picture? Ok maybe we are both puking. Anyways I will leave you on that great note.


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