Ok so literally it is like pulling nails.Especially if you were pulling all of the door casing and baseboard off to be stripped of all of its paint. You may think this is a pain. Well yes it is. But it is easier than trying to strip the paint off while it is still on the wall. At least the item to be stripped is horizonal not vertical. Well you may be thinking how does he keep track of where every little part goes?

Well I didn't just fall off the turnip truck you see. I have been numbering the pieces as I took them down. I number each piece and the corresponding wall that they go on. Kindof smart sometimes eh? I have also completed a fair majority of the sanding all over. Even the ceiling. That was a pain in the rear. Just imagine holding a 3 lbs weight. Not too bad. Ok hold it above your head and rub the ceiling with it. OK a little harder.

Now do it for about 2 hours. Blah. Not fun at all. At least I am strengthening my upper arm muscles by doing this.I also finished the walls. The next step is to fill in any holes around the place. There are plenty of them so it is going to take some time. Also some of the wall is falling down just to make things more interesting. I did luck out on one thing though. I think I found a good place to run all of my new wires up from the basement. There is a void right next to the chimney that would be perfect to go to the attic with. I need to check it out some more. But thats about all that has been going on. More to come in the future.
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