What the????? and working on the roof
First of all people are stupid. We all know this. We see them driving down the road all the time. This only "re"emphasizes how stupid people are. I particularly like the guy walking around in the bullet-proof vest.
Speaking of trees I went up in mine again today. But let me back up. First today I made a bunch of phone calls to get the ball rolling on the electrical stuff which precedes the heating and air stuff which is brought around b/c of the heater that is dying in my basement. The boiler has a laceration that is bleeding onto the floor at the moment. (Translation it's leaking water.) Transfusions are also enroute. (We ran out of fuel oil.) Lets just say we had 100 gals delivered when we first moved in. I was concerned 2-3 days ago that we were going to run out soon so I put the dip stick in the tank. The reading was that we had 50 gals left in the tank. OK. So we have burned 50 gals in like 2 months. Not too bad. So Grace goes to take a shower this morning and no hot water. Blah. So I go to try to prime the boiler to see if there is any fuel and no fuel comes out. I am thinking the pickup tube for the tank is probably about 50 gals off the bottom of the tank for sediment reasons etc. So I call up to order more fuel. Then I call the heating guy to get the # of a new electrician that is better (ie cheaper)

Boy you think you could "root" around for any more bad jokes?
Oh by the way, I try to sound out the roof before walking around on the section I am working on. For the most part my side of the roof is pretty sturdy.
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