I startedworking on stripping the window sill again today. As always when doing mundane work the mind is thinking. And what I am thinking is that this is going to be too big of a pain in the A$$. So I call up my dad and we throw around some ideas. Well let me back up. The thing that is going on is that we have these window sills and door trim and the likes all over the place. Since we are working in the hallway we have a lot of it, with all the doors going to the bedrooms and the base board and such.
So, I am on the path of thinking that is this worth putting this much time on a small portion of the project known as TMP. So I decide to go the the websites of some lumber places around the area to see what the prices of new stuff look like. Well that doesn't help. I cannot figure out where the prices of said lumber is on the website.
So I have come down to a couple options:
#1 If I go to Lowes or seiwers or the Depot and see that the price of the window trim is fairly inexpensive then I might just tear down the old and put up the new.
#2 If the price will be a large amount considering that we have a lot of it to replace then I will tear down the old, carefully, and try stripping it in pieces and putting it back up in the same places. Maybe with priming it prior to putting it back up.
#3 Burn the house down and use the insurance money to pay for new trim.
OK so maybe #3 isn't that smart.
I also thought of some other stuff today. Grace and I are throwing around the idea of making a built in bookcase in the foyer. This bookcase would be taller than the one that we had in the dining room of the old apt on the Blvd. Prob about waist high. Or it could be to the ceiling. Respond to this post if you think we should have one waist high, ceiling high, stained dark wood, or painted wood (prob a light color.)
I would be building this which isn''t a problem. Its just if I am staining it then I would be going with the more expensive birch. If painting then I would be using MDF more than likely. We were thinking of this bc we have a lot of books and a built in case would work out better and we have all this space in the foyer. In fact I am going to find a pic of the foyer for your viewing pleasure.

So the book case would be where the bookcase is located right now. On the left side of the pic. This was the only pic of the foyer that I had, sorry.
I don't know. Let me know what you think.
Well the bookcase that is there already is a representation of about how far out the new bookcase would go out. The end of the new bookcase could be made to mimic the stairs in opposite, ie going in where the stairs go out into the hallway. Just a thought.
Hey Blue glad to see you on the blog. Sorry the spell check isn't working for you once again. That is a good idea for building it back in the wall. It would save some room and allow us for deeper shelves. The only thing that I could think of is support of the wall. (some background)I figure with this style house all of the weight is on the exterior brick wall. So I don't have to worry about it being a load bearing wall. But, I don't know how the wall itself is being supported. So if I was to cut off the bottom portion of the wall would I:
1- have to bulk up the bookcase to help to support the wall itself from the downward forces
2-Is the wall somehow tacked into the brick, like the 2x4's secured to the brick or is it just plaster and lath tacked onto the brick so that there is no down force of the wall itself that is based on the floor.
You may know better b/c you have torn out the walls while overhauling on a rowhouse on the fireground before. We don't have many brick rowhouses in Chesterfield so I haven't gotten a good look inside of the the exterior walls of one yet. Let me know what you think.
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