Getting rid of a few things
We started back on the jungle today with reinforcements. I went and got the chainsaw and the pole saw from my dad. What we really needed was some good ol' deforesting agents from the US Govn't. About 8 hours later you can actually see the bricks on the garage. Of course now that we piled everything up in the alley you can't see the door to the garage, but the city is going to take care of that for us soon enough.
Mess at the garage:
After I posted last night I decided to try to put the new drain on the kitchen sink. You see the old one was leaking around the gasket so we had bought a new one when we went to the store yesterday. I figured that the way the drain was set up it would take the most 5 mins to change it out. Yea yea I know famous last words. Well lets see what happened. The piping was easy to take off b/c the guy just had that cheap screw on stuff. Not a prob. The difficulty came when I tried to get the main holder off that held the drain to the sink. Well I am sure there is some kind of special tool that fits over this thing to make it easier. My special tool of choice was a pair of vice grip pliers. Well the lugs on the screw were maybe a quarter of an inch long and would break off in an instant. The screw thing must have welded itself to the drain over the years b/c no amount of coaxing would loosen this thing. Insert choice curse words throughout reading this monologue and it would sound like you are live in the kitchen with me. So without being able to get this thing loose what would any good truckie do to get it off? Bend the heck out of it and break it away from the sink. So basically I took the vise grips and bent the whole overlapping lip on the inside of the sink into itself. This went on and on till enough of the lip was bent in so the drain fell from the bottom of the sink. Grace came back in after my exclamation of triumph and said "How did you get it undone? What did a cougar eat that or what?" Well, it wasn't pretty but I had a new one to put back on so it looks great now. It is not leaking a bit. And that was the rest of that story.
Cougars primarily feed on large mammals, preferring deer, but they will also eat coyotes, porcupines, beaver, mice marmots, hares, raccoons, birds, and kitchen sink drains.
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