Sunday, April 23, 2006

By the way........

I didn't realize that I had the default settings of "You can't type on this blog without getting a blog name first. Option" So I switched it so anyone could leave a comment on if they want. SO .......type away all those who are BLOG NAMELESS


See yesterday blog for what I did for most of the day today. Yes, I am being lazy and not typing out the same thing again. In addition I finally got a chance to cut the grass. I needed to since it was looking like a rainforest out there with all the vines and deep grass and such. So I cut the grass and weed whacked right before going to Graces parents for dinner. That is pretty much the extent of my weekend.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Playin' in the mud

Well after working overtime and LifeNet calls for the past week I finally got a chance to work on the house again. Today I played in the mud while inside. I spent pretty much all day filling in all the holes and cracks and such on the walls of the hallway. It's hard to believe but the hallway is getting closer to being done. I fugure at this rate it should only take about 2 years to do the whole house. Well we have the time. Thats about all. I will get some more pics up once I am totally done prepping the walls.

Friday, April 14, 2006


I haven't had the time to post on here lately but I have been doing some work. Mainly for the past 3 days I have been working on the yard since it was nice out. We have this little border right beside the back porch that we first took out the majority of the weeds, vines and other miscellaneous junk that was growing in there. We then dug down about 8" and tossed in some manure and loosened everything on up. We had gotten some free plants and bulbs from this lady at Graces work and we planted those in the border. We then mulched it on up to make it all nice. That all took a couple days b/c we both had several Lifenet calls during this time and I slept for a day to recover.
OH, I forgot to mention the battle that I had going on with the city garbage dept. In that border that we dug out we had some cinder blocks that were like some kind of ghetto edging. Well we took those out and threw them in the trash so the garbage men would take them away. Well they didn't pick up our trash when the trash pickup day came around. I called them up and let them know that they didn't pick up the trash. They said they would come back and pick it up again. Well they still never picked up the trash. So I called them again. They said that they don't pick up construction debris. Well I know that they pick up yard waste b/c I have researched this stuff before since I have been working on the yard and such and I told the lady "but, this is yard debris." I got them out of the yard. Well she told me since they were cinder blocks and they consider that construction debris and not yard debris. Blah blah blah. So I had to take all the blocks out of the garbage can. I asked the lady, "well do you pick it up for bulk pick up?" She said, "no" and that I would have to take it to the transfer station to get rid of it. I asked her how was I supposed to do that since all I have is a Honda Civic. She couldn't help me on that aspect so now I have a decorative column of cinder blocks in the back yard.
Anyways so today I was planning on mowing the yard. I trimmed it up some with the weed whacker and tried to get some more of the vines down off the fencing. I didn't know until now that the vines on the garage side have traveled all the way to the other side of the yard (approx 15') to the other fence and are the same vine that is growing in the opposite side fence. I found this out by basically grabbing one side on the fence and pulling the vine across the yard to the garage and cutting it off there. These things are non-stop. Well I didn't get all of them pulled up, but I did rake away a lot of the crabgrass and other non-grass stuff that is chocking out the grass in the back. I was going to mow the lawn, but the rain started to come so I threw down some more crabgrass killer so it would soak into the grass and that's about it. For the rest of the weekend and next several days I will be helping Jason get his stuff back from his evil ex and work tonight for a couple hours at the fire station for Danielle. I am then working for 48 hours at station 3 and then station 2 for overtime. So I won't be doing any more work on the house till Mon or so. I hope to plaster up everything soon so we can start painting in the hallway or work on the yard some more depending on how the weather is.

Friday, April 07, 2006

When I actually started working......

I finally finished taking off all of the trim, and sanding all of the walls. I haven't had a chance to try to figure out how to reach those un-reachable spots yet (at least on my own). I would rather do it while Grace is here in case I fall an break my neck she could call 911 and hold c-spine for me. AHHHH.....Love is a beautiful thing. So as I sit here with the windows open, a pretty day is upon us. The chirping birds (tweet tweet); the lovely breeze (whoooosh whoooosh); the sent of pot coming in from the neighbors smoking out on the front porch of their house. What? Yea, the gangsta's next door spend a little time out on their porch smoking pot. Not cool. But otherwise everything is going alright in the hood.

I have jokes sometimes

This is off the topic, but:
So I have been at this new fire station since Dec. During this time it has come to the attention to some of the people there that I have thick hair. I also have a fair amount of thick hair. I like it so I don't care. WELL........ You may or may not know that we like to make fun of each other at the station. Some of the people there have started to call me toupe b/c of my golden locks. This is coming mainly from this guy that doesn't have any hair. (jealousy ensues.) So I decided I needed to get him back. I went out the other day to premier and bought myself a bald skull cap. I then proceeded to buy Chet (the main instigator) a wig. So last night when he mentioned toupe at dinner I stormed out of the room. I heard some laughter and all as I went out like OH No and maybe "going postal" was mentioned. I went to the locker room and put on the baldcap and carried the wig down the hall. As I am walking down the hall I yell I am tired of y'all making comments about my hair (you know to build it up and all). I walk into the kitchen and everyone cracks up. It was the funniest thing ever! The best part was that the 2 biggest wise guy's had nothing that they could say but laugh. Just remember revenge is better served cold.

CHET (the instigator)

Graham (not an instigator but just looks funny in a wig)

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Somtimes working on the house is like pulling nails

Ok so literally it is like pulling nails.Especially if you were pulling all of the door casing and baseboard off to be stripped of all of its paint. You may think this is a pain. Well yes it is. But it is easier than trying to strip the paint off while it is still on the wall. At least the item to be stripped is horizonal not vertical. Well you may be thinking how does he keep track of where every little part goes? Well I didn't just fall off the turnip truck you see. I have been numbering the pieces as I took them down. I number each piece and the corresponding wall that they go on. Kindof smart sometimes eh? I have also completed a fair majority of the sanding all over. Even the ceiling. That was a pain in the rear. Just imagine holding a 3 lbs weight. Not too bad. Ok hold it above your head and rub the ceiling with it. OK a little harder. Now do it for about 2 hours. Blah. Not fun at all. At least I am strengthening my upper arm muscles by doing this.I also finished the walls. The next step is to fill in any holes around the place. There are plenty of them so it is going to take some time. Also some of the wall is falling down just to make things more interesting. I did luck out on one thing though. I think I found a good place to run all of my new wires up from the basement. There is a void right next to the chimney that would be perfect to go to the attic with. I need to check it out some more. But thats about all that has been going on. More to come in the future.

Sunday, April 02, 2006


Today was the same as any other day. I worked on the rootball some more. Grace worked on stripping the ceiling. The ceiling is mainly stripped. It just needs to be sanded. At least in the area that we are going to work on. The part over top of the stairs needs some further investigation. I think we are just going to end up tearing it down and replacing it with sheet rock. That may end up being the easiest thing to do since it is starting to come away from the lath. Once I get a chance I am going to take a look in the attic and see what the damage is. Grace also stripped some more of the window casings. I need to take some more of that down so we can strip more of it in the future. So basically not much going on.