Movin' on up.

No work on the house today. I went and helped Kenley and Mike move into their new house. They are moving on up to the East side of Midlo. Turnpike. OK so maybe its not the East side maybe closer to North. They moved into this new neighborhood called Micheaux (MESHOE) Creek which I believe is French for-big house small yards. Nah, actually they have a nice big house and a large yard too. It's bigger than my 25'x140' slice of the Earth. So that's about all that I did today. Nothing really to report.
Oh by the way I have noticed that some people haven't realized that if a sentence or word is underlined like this then it is a hyperlink to take you to another place. I its kindof like the transporter in Star Trek
It beams you to another place in the web. Some of you missed the leprechaun news clip that I had last posting. You need to check it out. It is hilarious. Just to let you know, I know some of y'all look at this thing at work and I have a mixed audience so I won't be sending you to girls gone wild or Breasts are us or whatever else there may be. Funny story though..........So I know these guys that were at work one day (no it wasn't me) and they wanted to get this calendar from some burn foundation in Florida. The proceeds go to help children that have been burned etc. All very innocent. Well I don't know what words they used in the attempt to search for this calendar, but from what they said all this porn shot up on the screen. Not only did that happen but if you closed one box 5 more would open up. They were frantically trying to shut the windows, but it wouldn't stop. They eventually had to turn the computer off. It was bad they said. Luckily their LT was sitting there the whole time and knew that the whole thing was innocent otherwise they could have gotten in trouble. Anyways, funny story. That's about it. Watch what you click on.